Friday, December 5, 2008

Hannah on anger

"Anger is one letter away from danger." This is a quote I found written on my "neighbor's" mirror. It was really funny at first, because she is the sweetest person in the world and this quote seems to be something she lives by. As the semester has gone on, this Dr. Phil quote has really grown on me. I think about it all the time; at first just to laugh, but now I see it differently. I look at my neighbor, Amy Horton, I notice where she wrote it in her room, and I begin to think this stupid quote makes a difference. If you do not know Amy, I suggest you get to know her. She is very admirable. Not just because she is smart, pretty, and social, but also because she has more self control than anyone I have ever met. I get angry very easily… over the most ridiculous things. Surrounding myself around people like Amy makes me realize life is too short to be angry. Anger is one letter away from danger: danger of wasting your time upset when you could be enjoying another aspect of life.

An example of useless anger: If you read Michael Vaughn’s first blog (if you did not go read it!), a similar incident occurred in my most recent time at the mall. I was waiting in line at Belk’s, and the man in front of me was buying a winter coat. The lady seemed to be getting very aggravated with him because he did not understand English well enough to respond to her “persistent cashier” request to apply for a credit card. She eventually threw down her pen and said, “Just give me your money”. Now is left a man who feels terrible for not understanding and a lady determined to take her anger out on everyone who crosses her path in that department store. Life throws tough times at us, but the ride is only fun if we want it to be. My parents always tell me to enjoy each task I encounter, and they are right. We can all look up to Amy who can smile even when the world is clouding her day.
Remember next time you are about to get angry: Anger is one letter away from danger.

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